Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Of course, I say this all in jest, but partly it's true. As the holidays approached, I really struggled with being single this year and every time I saw one of those commercials come on, I felt a little sadder and a little more lonely. I know that they shouldn't have that effect... but they can if you are already feeling low. So all you other chronically single ladies out there (and even you married ones that feel annoyed by the constant push for diamonds for your neck, ears, fingers and wrists that you simply can't afford), enjoy the commercials for what they are... sappy, little moments of gushy, cheesy love! I can get behind that, even in a crappy mood!
See you in the New Year... who knows what 2010 will bring?!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wishes and Dreams...
I'm not your typically girly girl. I don't like pink all that much (sure, on a scarf, but a whole top... um... NO!!), I don't like frills and glitter. I like things that are simple and beautiful. I like reality. I've never dreamed of being a mommy like most women I know, but I have dreamed of being married and as you can tell from the title of this entire blog, I am not.
When I was a kid, I saw myself being married in my late twenties, but when I got there I just wasn't ready for that (not that I had any takers) and so I thought in my early thirties I'd find the one... and then I thought I did and I thought that wishes and dreams do come true. But those got tossed on the rocks this last summer and at 34, as I reflect on my life I see that so little has turned out like my wishes and dreams.
When I was little I wanted to write books that would touch people's lives and I wanted to help people. These were my dreams... and my wishes were to do that alongside someone who would love me and look at me the way my father does with my mother (they've been married 42 years!). But at 34, I look around and see that I do get to help people as I teach and that is a HUGE blessing, but that is where it ends. I do not write books that touch people's lives (I hope that my 3 blogs at least touch someone's life) and I am no one's helpmate, no one looks at me or loves me the way that my father does my mother and there is slim to no chance that I'll ever have the pleasure of loving someone for 42 years like they have.
So I've come to see that wishes and dreams are just fanciful things to fill your head with to pass the time... they are not reality for most of us and if they are for you then I am so happy for you... it's good to know that someone has that! :)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Being Still
My other friend who blogs wrote about this really great quote that a friend gave to her a few years back about what kind of man to wait for and it inspired me that maybe at this time I need to do just that... wait: be still: chill out. I know that some of you reading this are rolling your eyes because this is the exact advice you so wisely already gave me... but I think sometimes I need to walk over the coals and get a little burned before I can truly understand what I have been told. Call it being a slow learner... I would! :)
SO here is what I am waiting for (and this is my personal adaptation from the quote I read):
I am waiting for a man who loves God above all other things, people, places or positions in life. I am waiting for a man who sees me for all I am, all I am not and all I will be when God is done with me. I am waiting for a man who wants to pursue me. I am waiting for a man who is proud of me and wants the WORLD to know I am his. I am waiting for a man who makes me laugh with him, at myself and just in general. I am waiting for a man that makes me want to reach my potential and beyond. I am waiting for a man who wants to take care of me and who lets me take care of him. I am waiting for a man who challenges my mind, my set ways, my heart and my soul to be more open, more in tune with God and more in tune with the needs of those around me.
It's a tall order, I know... but like my previous entry, these are the things that I deserve and that I desire and I don't think it's too much to ask really. I know so many of my friends who have all or most of that in their lives and it's what I want too. So for now, I will concentrate on me... being the best version of the person who could inspire all of that in another and I will wait. I will be still, have faith and trust God for my future and my man.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dating Myself
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
According to You
According to you, I would fall,
But I just ceased to stand tall.
According to you, I would feel love,
But my heart left like a dove.
According to you, a life together would be spent,
But I wonder where that promise went.
According to you, I was all,
But your tales were tall.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Jealousy's Cure
In my writing, things often become more clear because in my writing, I release the emotion through my fingers and onto the page or the blog, as the case may be. It is a gift, and I truly believe that. I don't mean to say that I am a good writer, by any means. In fact, I am pretty sure that this is rambling and my organization and grammar aren't that great... but that isn't the point of this blog or of anything I have ever written. I write it for my own personal, self-prescribed therapy and in the hopes that someone reading it will identify with me and perhaps feel better. I also hope that some of the entries are funny enough to evoke a laugh, and most of all, I hope the entries are honest enough to let people see the truth of being single at 34.
Anyway, back to the topic: the cure for jealousy. I really think that the cure for my jealousy was to turn it into something else. It's like worry... the more you worry, the more nervous, upset, anxious, sad etc you get and then you cycle into more worry. But if when that worry begins to come over you, you turn it into positive thoughts and prayers, you will have harnessed it for a better purpose for you and those involved... and so that is how I am approaching my jealousy. When I begin to feel jealous over something that shouldn't matter so much, I will harness those thoughts through positivity and prayer and I will turn them into congratulations and happiness for the ones getting what my heart desires. It won't be easy, but I know it will work.
My other cure, is to go out for a couple drinks with the girls and to just laugh as much as possible. That's what I did tonight and it helped me gain perspective on what is really important. It also helped me to remember that I am the one who has the power to turn those thoughts and feelings into something better. Sure, I need help with it... and I know where my Help comes from... but I know and I believe that it can be done.
SO there is my profound soap box moment... all conjured up in my head over an evening of laughs with good people and a few tasty beers. Life is good, I have no real complaints and nothing to be jealous of because I am BLESSED.
Jealousy is Ugly
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
All in a Song...
-When you told me that I was a star in the sky
Baby, I believed every word
And you seemed so sincere, it was perfectly clear
'Cause forever was all that I heard
And every little kiss from your tender lips
Couldn't have been a lie
I fell heart over head without a safety net
I don't understand it's goodbye
Was I the only one who fell in love?
There never really was the two of us
Maybe my all just wasn't good enough
Was I the only one, only one in love?
As I walk down the hall I see the place on the wall
Where the picture of us used to be
I fight back these tears 'cause I still feel you here
How could you walk out so easily?
And I don't understand how I can feel this pain
And still be alive
And all these broken dreams and all these memories
Are killing me inside
Was I the only one who fell in love?
There never really was the two of us
Maybe my all just wasn't good enough
Was I the only one, only one?
Tell me what I'm supposed to do with all this love
Baby, it was supposed to be the two of us
Help me 'cause I still don't want to believe
I was the only one, I was the only one
I was the only one who fell in love
There never really was the two of us
Maybe my all just wasn't good enough
I was the only one, the only one
I was the only one who fell in love
There never really was the two of us
Maybe my all just wasn't good enough
Was I the only one, the only one in love, oh
When you told me that I was a star in the sky
Baby, I believed every word--
Monday, November 2, 2009
Date 2
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Gullible Girl
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Different Era
My mom was married by the time she was 20 and had loads of men chasing her through her teens. She met my dad on a fix-up and had the nerve to not be overly interested for a while because she had the luxury of choosing other men who were pursuing her until she realized that my dad was the best man around. Nowadays it is different.
I am 34 and have very few prospects on the horizon but it is a heck of a lot more than I had at 20, that's for sure! I never dated through my teens years and haven't had a lot of guys knocking down my door for a date ever. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever even been on a "date." I've hung out with a guy here and there, but there hasn't been that old fashioned idea of a date in my life ever.
And I've never been on a fix-up date ever either... but I think that might be my fault. My friends are probably all nervous to even try fixing me up because I am pretty picky (I'm looking for a guy that looks at me the way my father and their husbands look at my mother and them, respectively).
So, times are different and that generation can't understand what it is to be like me. Also, none of my married friends really get it either, they were never 34 and single... I am. I love the desire to empathize with me, but face it married people... you can't. So instead, just sympathize and love me through the fun, quirky, sometimes ugly phase of singleness.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What I Deserve....
So here is what I deserve... my bucket list for a life-long relationship if you will:
I deserve to be the most important PERSON in his life (not the most important overall, that needs to be Christ).
I deserve to be treated like a queen.
I deserve to be forgiven when my stress and emotions get the better of me and I am not always nice.
I deserve to laugh a lot!
I deserve to feel safe and secure.
I deserve open and HONEST communication at ALL times, no exceptions.
Of course if I deserve these things, the man that I am in that relationship with would also deserve the same from me....
Not too much to ask, is it? I see lots of people getting these things in their relationships but I don't seem to be able to find that for mine... hence the title of Chronically Single...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
3 Names on Facebook
Most of my married friends have their first name, their maiden name and then there married name. I love that because it pays homage to both times in their lives (and it makes them a hell of a lot easier to find on facebook when you haven't seen or heard from them for a long time BEFORE they were married and you don't know their new married name). But as I continued to look, I began to think of my single status and my 2 lonely names on facebook. I want 3 names too! I know it seems silly, but I do.
I am at a place in my life where I am so ready to share it with someone else. Don't get scared friends, I am not desperate nor am I joining the Moonies for a mass wedding, I am just coming the realisation that I am fianlly ready for that step in life. I wasn't ready in my 20s, that's for sure. I still had no idea who I was yet. I wasn't ready as I was entering my 30s either, I was too busy enjoying the discovery of who I am. But now, now I am ready and there is no prospect on the horizon. And thanks to Dr. Phil, it has me worried.
His show yesterday talked about how the marketability of women goes WAY down as they age. I am only 34 but even I feel this. A few years back, lots of guys were interested to date me and I never had a shortage of flirtatious moments... but now, it is like pulling teeth to get a second look (yes, this could be because I am chubby, I will grant you that, but I was chubby then too... although less chubby). *sigh*
Maybe 3 names on facebook just isn't in the cards for me...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Closure came in a card...
Kelvin is about to retire from his military career, a huge milestone and a stressful one too as he begins the next phase in his life. This brought stress to our relationship, but that is besides the point. Bad timing for "us" I guess. :) But, being who I am, I couldn't let the milestone pass without acknowledgment, no matter how much he hurt me. Because no matter how distant he was from me, and how lacking he was in emotions for me, I always knew how wonderful he was at his job. He has a great passion for his field and for his service to his country and I respect that greatly. And in recognizing that, I found some good in him again. I began to feel like my own emotions were coming full circle and that is when I turned the corner.
So to really turn that corner, I knew I needed to acknowledge it formally. So I pulled out the card I bought Kelvin (good thing I hadn't gone ahead and bought the $300 bag he had eyed months ago too) and filled it out. I didn't tell him that he was forgiven (even though I think I have done that too) but that I wanted to congratulate him on this milestone and that I hoped he would truly enjoy it and celebrate it to the hilt with his family and friends because that was deserved. I don't know if he will open the card, or if he will understand what it really says, but I can only pray that he will.
So you see, my closure came in the act of writing that card, addressing it and popping it in the mail. I will not forget my hurts, I will not forget the weeks filled with pure ache, I will not forget the seemingly ceaseless tears, but nor will I forget the smiles, the laughs, the lessons learned or the good times. Perhaps closure really isn't like the definition says... a closing of something... perhaps it is the ability to walk through the door and not look behind with regrets. I don't regret the relationship we had... I really and truly don't. I am not pleased with outcome or the person that was revealed to me at the end... but I won't regret it at all, not even the painful parts because in those I became a stronger, better version of the person God created me to be.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
For the past two days Kelvin has haunted my dreams and the dreams have been so realistic that I wake up feeling disoriented. I put it off to exhaustion but as I sit here, coming down with my first cold of the school year, I am not keen to sleep because I don't want him to enter my mind or heart more than he did in the past. I know in my head that this is all part of the healing... but I want so badly to fast track through it. I don't want to feel any of this, especially because of the disregard he has had for me and my feelings.
I heard a professor say once that there is 2% truth in every lie... and that is how I view the last 2 years... just 2 % of it was true and the rest was lies. It's hard to come to terms with that much lying... harder still to discern what was true in all of it. Maybe I was the only truth in it and all I was allowed to contribute was 2% even though I tried to throw 110% of myself into it.
I don't know... seems like the late night ramblings of a crazy single person, doesn't it? Perhaps that is all it is, I kinda feel crazy these days... putting up this happy, positive, strong front when all I want is to stay at home and give in to the breath-taking tears. But as they say... fake it until you make it, right?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Learning Lessons
So even though I wrote an entry about the best things about single before, I'd like to say what I am grateful for... not in being single, but in leaving a relationship. Kelvin was never abusive or truly mean or anything but I will say that he wasn't honest with me and that was just as bad. So I am grateful not to have to worry about what was truth and what wasn't anymore. I am also grateful that I don't have to wonder what gifts were given from the heart and what came out of the guilt of his dishonesty. I am grateful for the strength of character that I value and that I have held strong to in all of this. I am grateful in learning more about myself through this process. I am grateful in learning more about the friends in my life and the support that they have given me. I am grateful in having grown as a person through the relationship and even more as it has ended. I am grateful for the wisdom I am still gaining in regards to relationships. And I am even grateful for the hurt and the tears because it makes me stronger and less afraid to feel things.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
1. | the act of closing; the state of being closed. |
2. | a bringing to an end; conclusion. |
3. | something that closes or shuts. |
At the end of a relationship, we ask for all these things too but seldom do we get them. In my recently ended relationship, I thought I needed closure through a conversation. I had (and still have to be honest) a lot of questions about what happened or didn't happen. I wanted (and believed that I needed) to know where it went wrong, what I did wrong, what I did right, when things changed for us, why things changed, why he lied so blatantly when we'd pledged to be honest at all times, why the communication died... I know that he may not have had answers and most of the answers he would have had I really would not have wanted to hear, but I felt like if I could just ask them to him, or have my say that I would feel an ending to our relationship. Unfortunately, this one request was denied (I'd like to point out that it was one of the very few requests I ever made in the two years that we dated) and I have been feeling lost and in limbo. But this past weekend I went and spent some time with one of my many wise and wonderful friends and we talked a lot about my relationship and hers. It was so good to speak to her and hear her objective perspective and surprising thoughts. The most surprising, honest and best advice she gave to me was to tell me that I had to MAKE my own closure. I chewed on this thought for a long time, even on and off all day today and I decided that this blog just might be my closure. This blog offers me something that Kelvin never did, a place to voice my thoughts and feelings without fear or trepidation. So thank you readers for being part of my closure... hopefully as you witness my progress in this you won't be bored with my honesty or my need to re-hash things several times before I am done with it. Thank you for reading.
Monday, September 7, 2009
More Silly Married People Sayings...
1) "Sometimes I wish I were still single, you have it so easy when you are single." Um... okay, yea... so then why did you get married?! If single life is all you think it is or should be, then why did you get married?!?! Married people, we single people understand the benefits of being single and yet some of us still want to get married so telling us that being single is better really does nothing for us. *sigh* People want what they don't have I guess...
2)"Singleness is a gift." WHAT?!?! from who? And what exactly is it a gift for? Being single has tons of benefits, but I wouldn't call it a gift... perhaps a fun time or a time in your life for focusing on yourself but a gift? Hmmm... I have trouble figuring out that one. I mean, if it is such a gift, then why does EVERYONE get it at some point in their life? Why are some forced to have the "gift" for longer than others....
3)"I'm so glad I don't have to date anymore" HAHAHAHA... this is not encouraging, married people. You don't make single people feel better about entering the jungle of dating each time they have a failed relationship when you say that you are so happy that you don't have to do that. It's like saying you are so glad you don't have to get dressed anymore. Dating is rough, but it can be a ton of fun. But it is also scary to get back into when you are getting out of a relationship and so when you tell us with the best sympathy faces you can muster that you are so glad it isn't you, it really discourages us.
Well, that is what I have come up with so far... I am sure that I will hear more or remember more as I walk deeper in my life of being single. :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Choosing Love
The only problem is that you can't be sure that the person you are choosing to love is choosing to love you back. Tricky thing this love, isn't it? I just wanted people to know that love is an emotion but in a relationship it is a CHOICE. I hope that all my readers choose love at some point and are chosen in love by your choice.
Best Things...
Anyway, I decided to write about some of the best things about being single in today's entry (although, I would probably do these things in a relationship too... well some of them, I'll put a * next to those ones... hahaha). So here is my list:
1. Getting up and doing as I please (no checking with the significant other to make sure I am not stepping on their toes or screwing up their plans for the day)
2. Spa Days in the home.* I usually take one day in the weekend and really treat myself nice. I wake up when I am good and ready, I lounge around in PJs for a while having breakfast and coffee, then a super long shower with lots of soap, bubbles, exfoliating and singing in the shower, then maybe a mask for the face, a delicious leisurely lunch while lounging around braless(the braless thing is key for a spoiling me day), reading a book and generally relaxing. Sounds good right? ;)
3. Reading in bed.* It's just nice to leave the light on and get lost in a book for as long as I like.
Okay... I need to add to this list later... I've gotten distracted by phone calls from my parents, text messages and chitchat with my roommate. Well, that and my grumbling tummy. hehehe
Feel free to add your own best things about being single... Oh!! I forgot the picking up and traveling or moving when I want! hahaha that is number 4!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Just Words
So, with that understanding, or my understanding of what words are, I begin to wonder why people are often so careless with them. I know I have been careless a time or two with my words as well. I have often let the anger in my heart escape my lips instead of taking time to calm my heart and capture my thoughts so that I can speak from my heart in a way that doesn't negatively impact others. But I think that is part of the human condition, to make those kinds of mistakes and to learn from them. I am a work in progress in every aspect of my life and I love to learn so I think I am in the best position to be better in all manners of being. But I begin to wonder about others.
Recently, I have come to find out that my past relationship was built on twisted truths. I thought that the love that was expressed from his mouth was truth but it was lie. I thought that the commitment that was spoken from his mouth (he had told me, my family and my friends how much he loved me, that he wanted to spend his life with me and that he wanted to marry me specifically) were truth, but they were not, they were also lies. As he put it, "I know I said words of commitment before, but they were just words and that is all." JUST WORDS?! But words have power and carry weight. Words come from your heart... don't they? Is it different for men and women? For men, are words just things you have to toss around regardless? Or do they also believe in the power of words? I am sure that many men do believe in the power of words and I believed that I had found one, but found out two years later that I was wrong.
Lesson for the single: Words are beautiful and ugly at the same time. Guard your heart and mind from the ugly and seek the beautiful. And if you figure out how to do that... let me know.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Screw Hollywood

Sunday, August 23, 2009

You know that scene in Bambi, when Thumper said "Kinda wobbly, isn' t he?" Well that is how I feel in my newly (and chronic) single status. I feel like my legs are brand new and that they don't work very well at the moment. I feel like it is shear will power that is keeping my feet under me most days and I am scared most of the time because of the fact that this new, wobbly legs of mine could just slip out from under me at any time and leave me hurt and crumpled on the floor below me. But, while the fear of reoccuring pain is strong, so is the will to stand tall and straight on my own again. I know that even in all this fear and wobbliness, there is something positive and wonderful too. There is a newness which is awesome, like the colors of the world are different now (maybe not brighter, but new somehow) and there are adventures waiting for me when I am strong enough and ready to embark on them. There is also something positive in the strength that is building in these new single legs as I take baby Bambi steps forward. So while the fear and pain sometimes consumes me, the strength and newness keeps me going forward one wobbly step at a time. (and to those Thumpers in my life, you know...the ones that help me get back on my wobbly legs when I slip on the ice... thank you!)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Getting Back To ME!!

Part of embracing this single life that I find myself in is finding a way back to myself. I am generally a happy and fun loving person who will walk to the ends of the earth for the people she loves. But in heartbreak, I find that I struggle to know any of that side of myself. Instead, I get stuck in the sad, frustrated and angry side of me... a side I don't like and would rather that people not meet until they know the real me a lot better. So part of getting back to me means making changes and embracing the change iny life. One on the things that tends to change is my furniture arrangement in my bedroom (I don't want memories of it the way it was when it was shared in any way with another) and the other is to change something about my appearance and that tends to be my hair. Before the break-up my hair was long, down to the middle of my back. I'd say it was luxurious, but that would be a lie... hahaha It was just long and in the humidity or rain it has a puffy yet stringy appearance that is in no way appealing. So a time for change was coming anyway and then the break up happened (I should be clear and say that I was the one doing the breaking up since the ex couldn't seem to decide after 2 years of being together if the timing was right to move forward - I'd already moved my life halfway across the world for him and heard numerous confessions of love and the guarantee of a solid future together at this point but was seeing no actions to match the words), so it was as good a time as any to chop the locks and begin again with life. I like the new hair. It suits the side of me that I love... the fun, flippant, silly, cute side of me. :) I hope you like it too!!
Lumpy Throats
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ah... Ice Cream...

Thursday, August 20, 2009
So all you well meaning, wonderfully wed women out there, thank you but no thank you when it comes to that story. Instead, why don't you put your pity eyes back in your head and find a way to take your friend's mind off her singleness. (No, that doesn't mean that you share the evils of your married life with us) Take her out for a drink or dinner, remember the times that you were both single and being silly together. Do something, anything that has NOTHING to do with whether you are married, in a relationship or single. Just be a friend, not a married friend.