Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Now that I am back in the international scene I'm happier than I ever was in the US. I don't feel like a social dunce for being single at nearly 35 here. Lots of people are my age, just younger, older and so on and are single. International teachers and workers just seem less stressed about timelines for romance than people who are settled in North America. Do I still want to get married some day, for sure!! I absolutely do, but here I don't feel rushed. I feel like my life is meant to be enjoyed and in service to others... and that's a good place to be.


  1. Yay! Good for you, glad you are fully enjoying life with like-minded people :)

  2. Thanks zabe!! It's a good feeling to be among those who think the same and are in all different stages of life. The married but without spouse are here, the married with kids or without are here, the living together are here, the single, the newly single, the divorced and the list goes on... but there is no pressure from anyone here about relationship status... it's just about living and experiencing life to the fullest... it's good. It gets my mind of myself and back onto the global perspective where it thrives and belongs.

  3. I totally agree! I love the diversity (and yet, the closeness) of teaching overseas! And you are SO right about the competition/pressure. That goes for things like possessions and money too. Yay for Turkey and your new job!

  4. Sam Jones to your Carrie? Miranda? Charlotte?August 20, 2010 at 11:00 PM

    *happy sigh* yay!!!!!!!!!!! that's how _I_ want to make you feel too.... so glad to hear this....
