Sunday, October 24, 2010

Self-Imposed Time Out

I am taking a self-imposed time out from blogging and facebook so that I can really give this some thought. I feel like I am at a cross-roads and I need to give some focus to what is going on... I feel like it's time to decide what I am going to do with this single life. I am no happy being single (I try to be happy being me without thought towards being single and that's going okay) and yet I feel like it's going to be my continuous condition... so I am going to just stop, think, and then make a decision about what to do... Thanks to those of you who have read and encouraged... I do appreciate it and I hope that you have the patience to wait for my return... it may be a couple of days, weeks or months, I just don't know. I just know it is necessary at the moment.

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