Thursday, April 29, 2010

Advice a la Wendy Williams

I love watching the Wendy Williams show. This woman pulls no punches, she tells it like it is. Today I was watching and she was talking about some celeb who was in their 20s and getting married. She asked the question: Is it too young to get married? And she prefaced her answer with an each to their own and then went on to say yes. And I agree with her. No, not just because I am in the middle of my 30s do I think it is too young to get married in your 20s. I agree that each to their own, but I also agree that times are changing... life isn't like it was for my mother or grandmother. They were expected to be married and in the home caring for the family and home in their 20s. But now we have the freedom to have wonderful careers, to extend our education as far and as high as we want, to travel the world gaining knowledge and culture, to create the being we have always wanted to be. And Wendy said that women should do those things in their 20s and I agree. I know lots of people who got married in their 20s and have wonderful marriages, so obviously that worked out for them but for me... I would never have been ready then. I just knew so little of who I was and I am just figuring that out now. So now I am ready for that next stage but for all you lovely young 20-somethings out there, don't rush. There are things that Wendy suggests all women need to do before settling down and I agree... here is my twist on her list:

-take a trip on your own (literally by yourself)
-take a trip with your friends (just the girls and be silly)
-live on your own
-get the education you want
-live part or all of your dream
-make friends with people you didn't think you would
-volunteer for a cause you are passionate about
-develop your career of choice

I just think that your 20s are a time to really see who you are, test your own boundaries and become the person you want to be. And if you find love during that time, great but if not... that's okay too... you have your 30s for that! ;) I was so happy to hear a celebrity say things along this line today, it really helped me put my failures in love in perspective. I love it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Millionaire Matchmaker

So I love this show because Patti is amazing. She really tells it like it is! But I will say I have learned a lot from just seeing these men. They are insane! It just goes to show that most men are there for what they can get... selfish. And it seems to me (now, I am generalizing... bad, I know... from the men on this show which are the extremes) that most men are just selfish and that the richer they are, the more selfish they are. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good for the Soul

One of the best things for the soul, or at least my soul, is time with good friends. I have been so blessed in my life to have some really good girlfriends who keep me honest, let me see the value of me, and help me to laugh. Last week, I had the chance to go and see one of these such friends. It was a time where I got so much healing from the hurts I've suffered this past year. So, thanks Sophia for the time I had to just be in your presence, bask in your love as a friend and heal in my very broken heart. Best Spring Break of my life.